Hugh Fraser may be well-known in the city of Thompson because of his past education experience, having retirred in 2010 ing from the position of superintendent of schools in the district, but this month, he’s showing off his other passion, which is photography, at the Heritage North Museum.
During the month of August, Fraser has an exhibit of his artwork, ranging from northern wildlife and nature photographs as well as Arizona and Maui shots. Fraser says in 2010 his wife gave him a Canon T2I DSLR and that started his passion. “It gets me out on the land. Whether it’s here, or we winter in Arizona, we also travel, have been to Maui a few times. It gets me outdoors and close to nature, as I grew up with nature. I enjoy capturing images and sharing them. Someone once said art isn’t about money, art is about living. It makes me feel alive.” Since then Fraser has added to his camera collection, but says his T2I is still a favourite to shoot with, as well as his 7D which he uses for wildlife images.
Fraser loves capturing animals like birds as well as the occasional bear on his front steps at Setting Lake, but is also getting more interested in sunsets, nightscapes, and northern lights.
Last July, Fraser was featured at the Heritage North Museum, and he says it was with the encouragement from Jasyn Lucas that he applied and he is glad he did. “That was cool because showing here gave me the confidence, and I’ve shared in Arizona now, so it really helped to give me that boost, and [Jasyn Lucas] is to thank for that.”
Fraser started a photography group in Arizona, and is part of the Thompson photography groups. He noted it’s important to find others with the same passion or hobby, because everyone shoots differently, and it’s great to get and give different tricks and tips.
Fraser mounts his pictures in frames, as well as on canvas and metal. His photographs are shot in raw format, and touched up in Lightroom. The photographer says he’s begun shooting full frame, and dreams to eventually go to Iceland and explore the area since he has Icelandic blood running through his veins. He also mentioned shooting images with his cousin in Los Angeles, who is a professional photographer.
The Hugh Fraser photography exhibit will be at the Heritage North Museum until the end of August.