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Thompson Health Auxiliary Donates to Support Mental Wellness

The Thompson Health Auxiliary has continued its mission of supporting the mental wellness program at the local psych ward by fulfilling a wish list that includes art supplies and a new smart TV.

The Thompson Health Auxiliary has continued its mission of supporting the mental wellness program at the local psych ward by fulfilling a wish list that includes art supplies and a new smart TV. This generous gesture aims to provide resources for patient activities and programming. With dedicated volunteers and ongoing fundraising efforts, the Auxiliary remains committed to enhancing the healthcare experience for individuals in need.


It has only been a handful of weeks since the Thompson Health auxiliary donated to the cause of the much-needed fluid warmers, and yet before that story has grown too cold another need was met just this week from the funds generated by the Hospital gift shop purchasing a TV for just under $1,000 for the Mental Heath department.


Despite the charming facade offering gift cards and stuffed animals to bring joy to struggling families, the gift shop's contribution goes far beyond mere merchandise sales. It plays a vital role in supporting the hospital and meeting the needs of its patients.


Ruth Lapitan Larino; Occupational Therapist for Mental Wellness expressed her enthusiasm for the care and attention The Health Auxiliary gave to the matter, “We do a lot of activities like fitness, crafts of cooking so we would like to have a TV where we can YouTube different shows that will keep them not just entertained but also active”


Funds raised through the gift shop, raffles and other means, go directly to purchasing equipment that is needed but not covered by the fiscal budget. The entire gift shop is volunteer run, so that every cent can be put to purchase items on a department's wish list that would typically be placed on the bill of the families.  This making the Auxiliary a volunteer charitable organization. 


It was in 1971 this Provincial Organization was founded, each year donating ten’s of thousands of dollars to the extra expenses that weighed on the heavy shoulders of those swarmed by medical bills.  A group of ladies saw this need and began raising money to help with those extra expenses to hopefully give ease to the system.


“We had a request put forth from the Psychiatric ward, for art supplies, to replenish the donation we originally gave in 2022, a smart TV was also requested, for programming for the patients.  We have 2 other donations in the works at the moment,  which we are hoping to have completed by this fall” Stated Wendy Lucas, Organization President of the Thompson Health Auxiliary.


The dedication and generosity of the Thompson Health Auxiliary continue to make a meaningful impact on the mental wellness program at the local psych ward. Through their ongoing efforts and support, they are enhancing the healthcare experience for individuals in need. With their valuable contributions, including the recent donation of art supplies and a new smart TV, the Auxiliary exemplifies the true spirit of volunteerism and charitable giving, making a positive difference in the lives of patients and their families.

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